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This article gives hands-on experience of writing basic utility procedures and creating their SQL unit tests using tSQLt an advanced SQL unit testing framework.


The article also highlights the importance and application of utility procedures in day to day database report writing tasks.


Additionally, the readers of this article are going to learn some tips to meet common reporting requirements with the help of SQL utility procedures.


There is a hidden challenge in this article as well for those SQL programming enthusiasts who would like to go beyond the basics to test their skills and learn more in this effort.


关于SQL Utility过程 (About SQL Utility procedures )

SQL utility procedures generally fall into two categories:


  1. System utility procedures

  2. User-defined utility procedures


系统实用程序 (System utility procedures)

System utility procedures are out of the box SQL procedures available with SQL Server which help in maintaining the good health of your system (SQL Server) and the entities (databases, SSIS Packages, etc.) of your system alongside providing meta-data (data about databases) to facilitate tracking, logging and error resolving.

系统实用程序过程是SQL Server随附的现成SQL过程,可帮助维护系统(SQL Server)和系统实体(数据库,SSIS包等)的良好运行状况,同时提供元数据(数据)关于数据库),以方便跟踪,记录日志和解决错误。


Let us take an example of sp_databases system stored procedure which provides a list of all the databases belonging to SQL server instance or accessible via gateway according to Microsoft documentation.

让我们以sp_databases系统存储过程为例,该过程提供了属于SQL Server实例或根据Microsoft文档可通过网关访问的所有数据库的列表。

-- System stored procedure to show list of all the databasesEXEC sp_databases

The procedure returns the list of all the databases as follows:


System stored procedure to show list of all the databases

A polite reminder for the beginners that the output may vary based on the databases created in the SQL server instance you are running this stored procedure against.

礼貌地提醒初学者,输出可能会根据运行该存储过程SQL Server实例中创建的数据库而有所不同。

Also, SQL unit testing a system utility procedure is not recommended at all since they already undergo a lot of testing before the product (Microsoft SQL Server) gets shipped.

另外,根本不建议对系统实用程序进行SQL单元测试,因为在产品(Microsoft SQL Server)出厂之前,它们已经进行了大量测试。

用户定义的实用程序 (User – defined utility procedure )

The user-written stored procedures to act as a utility are known as user defined utility procedures.


In other words, any stored procedure written to facilitate another stored procedure can be called a utility procedure.


By utility procedures we mean the stored procedures which are specifically designed to facilitate business or system requirements generally by performing some functionality and handing over their output to another database object which then plays a major role in the overall database (requirement) picture.



A good example is of creating a utility procedure to implement user-defined database logging process (as per requirements) which saves the details of the database user who adds a new record to the table.


Now the first procedure AddData inserts the data into the table while you also have to write a general LogInfo utility procedure which is going to insert the information of the user and the time when AddData procedure was called to insert new record.


创建实用程序 (Creating Utility Procedure )

In this section we are going to write a utility procedure based on business requirements.


Please remember to think about the utility procedure from the SQL unit testing perspective as well as we do in test-driven database development mentioned earlier.


业务需求 (Business requirement )

A database report is desired to show complete weekly sales.


初步分析 (Preliminary Analysis)

The database report to show weekly sales must require a utility procedure to output the start and end date for a weekly report based on the dynamic nature of the report.


For example, if today is 25 July 2019 then the weekly report must show sales figures from 15 July 2019 up until 21 July 2019 because this is the most recent complete week and this is how professional reports are written and managed.


Last complete week for weekly report

规划实用程序逻辑 (Planning utility procedure logic)

It is worth doing some mental exercise to define the logic of the utility procedure which is going to give us start and end date of the weekly sales report.


The DateAdd() SQL function is highly recommended in this scenario which we are going to use to build this utility procedure.

在这种情况下,强烈建议使用DateAdd() SQL函数,该函数将用于构建此实用程序过程。

测试驱动的数据库开发 (Test-driven database development )

I highly recommend at this point to use a test-driven database development method to create your utility procedure which means your SQL unit testing is going to derive your database object definition.


Please refer to the article to get more information about it.


Since the focus of this article is not implementing test-driven database development so we are creating the utility procedure first bypassing test-driven database development.


创建样本数据库 (Creating a Sample Database)

Let us create and populate a sample database named ITSalvesV2 using the following T-SQL script:


CREATE DATABASE ITSalesV2;GO        USE ITSalesV2GO        -- (1) Create DailySales tableCREATE TABLE [dbo].[DailySale] (    [SaleId]      INT             IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,    [SellingDate] DATETIME2 (7)   NULL,    [Customer]    VARCHAR (50)    NULL,    [Product]     VARCHAR (150)   NULL,    [TotalPrice]  DECIMAL (10, 2) NULL,     CONSTRAINT [PK_DailySale] PRIMARY KEY ([SaleId]));                -- (2) Insert data SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DailySale] ONINSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (1, N'2019-07-15 00:00:00', N'Asif', N'Dell Laptop', CAST(300.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (2, N'2019-07-15 00:00:00', N'Mike', N'Dell Laptop', CAST(300.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (3, N'2019-07-16 00:00:00', N'Adil', N'Lenovo Laptop', CAST(350.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (4, N'2019-07-17 00:00:00', N'Sarah', N'HP Laptop', CAST(250.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (5, N'2019-07-17 00:00:00', N'Asif', N'Dell Desktop', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (6, N'2019-07-20 00:00:00', N'Sam', N'HP Desktop', CAST(300.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (7, N'2019-07-20 00:00:00', N'Mike', N'iPad', CAST(250.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (8, N'2019-07-21 00:00:00', N'Mike', N'iPad', CAST(250.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (9, N'2019-07-22 00:00:00', N'Peter', N'Dell Laptop', CAST(350.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))INSERT INTO [dbo].[DailySale] ([SaleId], [SellingDate], [Customer], [Product], [TotalPrice]) VALUES (10, N'2019-07-23 00:00:00', N'Peter', N'Asus Laptop', CAST(400.00 AS Decimal(10, 2)))SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DailySale] OFF

工作日名称和号码列表 (List of week day name and number )

As discussed earlier the utility procedure must make use of SQL built-in date time function to calculate the start and end of the last week.


Here, again SQL unit testing of the built-in date time function is not required unless you are using a user-defined function then its SQL unit testing must be planned but isolating it from other things.


Before we write utility procedure let us understand how the day of the week is represented in number according to the current date time settings in SQL Server.

在编写实用程序之前,让我们了解如何根据SQL Server中的当前日期时间设置以数字表示星期几。

-- List of name and number of the week dayDECLARE @DateTable TABLE (NameOfTheDay VARCHAR(30), NumberOfTheDay SMALLINT)DECLARE @Date DATETIMESET @Date='01 Apr 2019'WHILE @DATE<'08 Apr 2019'BEGININSERT INTO @DateTableSELECT (DATENAME(WEEKDAY,@Date)),(DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@DATE))SET @Date=@Date+1ENDSELECT * FROM @DateTable

Running the above script shows us the following output:


List of name and number of the week day

Well, the utility procedure we are going to write to get last week’s start and end date does not depend on the above information much but I am leaving a clue for the readers here to craft their own stored procedure based on the above logic.


编写实用程序 (Writing Utility Procedure)

We have to now write utility procedure in such a way that we should be able to assign weekly report start date as Last week’s Monday and end date as Last week’s Sunday


-- The utility procedure to calculate the last week's start and end dateCREATE PROC GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate @CurrentDate DATETIME2,@LastWeekStartDate DATETIME2 OUTPUT,@LastWeekEndDate DATETIME2 OUTPUTASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON        SET @LastWeekStartDate=DATEADD(DD,-7,@CurrentDate) -- Go back 7 days to get last week         SELECT @LastWeekStartDate=CASE DATENAME(DW,@LastWeekStartDate)WHEN 'Monday' THEN @LastWeekStartDate -- If last week start is Monday then OK WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-1,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Tuesday go back 1 day to start from MondayWHEN 'Wednesday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-2,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Wednesday go back 2 days to start from MondayWHEN 'Thursday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-3,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Thursday go back 3 days to start from MondayWHEN 'Friday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-4,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Friday go back 4 days to start from MondayWHEN 'Saturday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-5,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Saturday go back 5 days to start from MondayWHEN 'Sunday' THEN DATEADD(DD,-6,@LastWeekStartDate) -- If Sunday go back 5 days to start from MondayEND   ,@LastWeekEndDate=(DATEADD(DD,6,@LastWeekStartDate)) -- Move forward 6 days to get last weekend date        END

测试运行实用程序 (Test running utility procedure )

After creating the utility procedure in the sample database we need to test run by running the following T-SQL script:


--(1) Call the utility procedure to get last week start and end dateDECLARE @StartDate DATETIME2, @EndDate DATETIME2,@TheDate DATETIME2SET @TheDate='17 Jul 2019'EXEC GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate @CurrentDate=@TheDate,@LastWeekStartDate=@StartDate OUTPUT,@LastWeekEndDate=@EndDate OUTPUT        --(2) Show current date along with last week start date and end dateSELECT Format(@TheDate,'dd-MMM-yyyy') as CurrentDate,Format(@StartDate,'dd-MMM-yyyy') AS WeekStartDate,Format(@EndDate,'dd-MMM-yyyy') as WeekEndDate

The output is as follows:


Getting last complete week before 17 July 2019

报表主要程序中实用程序的使用 (Use of utility procedure in report main procedure)

Let us now quickly analyze how the utility procedure is used by the report procedure. The utility procedure we have created earlier can be used with any weekly report procedure.

现在让我们快速分析报告过程如何使用实用程序。 我们之前创建的实用程序可以与任何每周报告程序一起使用。

创建WeeklySalesReport过程 (Creating WeeklySalesReport procedure)

If we are to create a WeeklySalesReport procedure then the utility procedure GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate is going to return the start and end date of the last complete week and we can base our sales on these returned start and end dates (of the last complete week).


The stored procedure to show weekly sales can be written as follows:


-- The procedure to show weekly sales reportCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShowWeeklySales]AS        DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME2, @EndDate DATETIME2,@TheDate DATETIME2,@AfterEndDate DATETIME2                    SET @TheDate=GETDATE() -- get today's date                    EXEC GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate @CurrentDate=@TheDate        ,@LastWeekStartDate=@StartDate OUTPUT,        @LastWeekEndDate=@EndDate OUTPUT                SET @AfterEndDate=DATEADD(DD,1,@EndDate)                SELECT * FROM dbo.DailySale S WHERE S.SellingDate>=@StartDate and S.SellingDate<@AfterEndDate        RETURN 0

SQL单元测试实用程序过程 (SQL Unit testing utility procedure )

Let us try to understand the answers to the following questions:


在主报告程序中调用的实用程序如何进行单元测试? (How the utility procedure called within the main report procedure is unit tested?)

A utility procedure is just like any other stored procedure and its SQL unit testing is done in the same way as other procedures are unit tested.


应当首先对两种方法中的哪一种进行单元测试? (Which procedure out of the two should be unit tested first?)

Although the order does not matter much but the way the main procedure is unit tested is going to be slightly different than the SQL unit testing utility procedure.


When we write the SQL unit test for the main procedure we have to use utility procedure as a stub rather than actual procedure while there must be another SQL unit test to ensure that the utility procedure is working well and both SQL unit tests must pass.


设置tSQLt框架 (Setup tSQLt framework )

We assume that tSQLt has already been installed by downloading tSQLt and running tSQLt.class.sql script and ready to be used against the sample database ITSalesV2.


Please refer to the article to get more information on how to setup the tSQLt unit testing framework.


创建实用程序过程SQL单元测试类 (Create SQL unit test class for utility procedure)

Before we begin SQL unit testing the database object (utility procedure) we need to create a general test class called GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests in the sample database ITSalesV2 as follows:


USE ITSalesV2GO        -- Creating unit test class GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTestsCREATE SCHEMA [GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests]Authorization dboGOEXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty @name='tSQLt.TestClass',@value=1,@level0type='SCHEMA',@level0name='GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests'

TSQLt测试运行 (TSQLt Test Run)

Let us dry run SQL unit tests:


-- Dry run sql unit testsEXEC tsqlt.RunAll

SQL unit testing dry run using tSQLt

编写实用程序GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate SQL单元测试 (Write utility procedure GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate SQL unit test )

Let us now write the SQL unit test for the utility procedure as follows:


--Create unit test to check object normal output for normal input templateCREATE PROCEDURE [GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests].[test to check object outputs normally when given normal input]AS-- AssembleCREATE TABLE GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.expected ( -- Creat expected table    CurrentDate DATETIME2,    StartDate DATETIME2,    EndDate DATETIME2    );        INSERT INTO GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.expected -- Insert data into exepcted table(CurrentDate, StartDate, EndDate)VALUES('14 May 2019','06 May 2019','12 May 2019')                CREATE TABLE GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.actual ( -- Creat actual table    CurrentDate DATETIME2,    StartDate DATETIME2,    EndDate DATETIME2    );        DECLARE @TheDATE DATETIME2 ='14 May 2019',@StartDate DATETIME2, @EndDate DATETIME2        -- ActEXEC GetWeeklyReportStartEndDate @CurrentDate=@TheDate -- call the utility procedure        ,@LastWeekStartDate=@StartDate OUTPUT,         @LastWeekEndDate=@EndDate OUTPUT                INSERT INTO GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.actual -- put results into actual tableSELECT @TheDATE,@StartDate,@EndDate                -- Assert (compare expected table with actual table results)EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable @Expected='GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.Expected',@Actual='GetWeeklyReportStartEndDateTests.Actual'

运行tSQLt测试 (Run tSQLt Tests)

Now run the tSQLt tests to see the results:


-- Run tsqls unit testsEXEC tsqlt.RunAll

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the task of SQL unit testing the utility procedure which is now ready to be utilized by professional weekly reports to serve client business needs!


目录 (Table of contents)

Creating SQL Unit Testing Utility Procedures with tSQLt



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